Welcome to the age of tight budgets and shallow pockets. Since the holidays are coming up your teenager is eyeballing the newest Axe guitar on Craigslist, the pre-teen is ready for a bigger bike and your youngest is checking out the most recent DsI. Even with the holiday sales you’re starting to total anywhere from $500 to $1,000 at a retail store. How is one able to afford all of this? One option is to throw it all on a credit card and defer the inevitable. The other option is to buy used.
However, buying anything used, especially electronics, Blu Ray discs, and musical instruments, can be a daunting, and worrisome task. I’m glad to say that we make it safer, faster, and easier on your mind. At TB Goods we test all of the items that we take in as a Pawn or Buy, then we test them again when we get ready to release them back into the public. Every one of our associates has an area of expertise that ensures that we only take in the best tools, computers, jewelry and any other item that comes our way. So when someone decides they’ve played enough on their $50 amp we can take it, spiff it up and after its gone through the system to ensure that it hasn’t been stolen we can bring it out of our doors and sell it to you for $30.
Here is where it all comes together. That Les Paul Studio guitar that is going for $800 on Craigslist, we just got it into stock (and sold it on Ebay) for $499.99. That adorable pink DsI is retailing for $150, we have it for $100 and that awesome mountain bike was another $150, we have it for $69.99 plus tax.
So now that you know we offer the same items, in comparable condition, for fantastic prices (often marked with a BLUE STAR deal of an additional 30% off) I’ve been reminded to tell you about our 7-day return policy. If for some reason one of our Sales and Lending Associates missed something and an item doesn’t work properly, or isn't what you needed, you can return it and we will exchange it for one that does work properly, or you can get store credit. Try returning an item on Craig’s list, and see what happens!
All of our Layaways are currently 10% down on jewelry and 1/3 down on all other items!
We’re here to help your budget and take the worry out of shopping used items.
Shop our EBAY or come by our two locations in Alachua and Gainesville, Florida! Mention this blog post and get 10% off your purchase!