Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Living LIfe to the Fullest (if you are a Battery).

We've all been there. That dreaded moment when you look down on your laptop or hear that frantic warning from your phone, only too late, noticing the red battery symbol, knowing you only have mere moments left until your device powers off....

Cut off from the rest of the world and any communication.

...okay, that may be exaggerating a bit, but it still feels that way, right? Whether it's a smartphone, laptop, cordless tool or MP3 player, and from the built-in battery packs of your device to the batteries in your TV's remote control, here's a few tips to help you avoid falling into that situation and make your batteries last longer.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Lawn and Order: Special Maintenance Units

Summer is here in full force. That means different things to different people: summer break from school, family vacations, trips to the beach, hot dogs on the grill, ice cold lemonade...and whether you want to go out and enjoy the sunshine or stay inside and stay cool in the air conditioning, there is one part of summer that you cannot avoid: mowing the grass that seems to be growing right before your eyes. We all know that TBGoods has a great selection of lawn mowers, edgers, weedeaters and any other piece of lawn equipment you'll need to make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood, but we also want to make sure your investment in lawn equipment is a long-term one.

So make it easier on yourself by following 4 simple tips to maintain that lawnmower every year.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

More than Silver, More than Gold

We all know the color of gold, the look and the feel, seeing gold rings and chains immediately says value and beauty. Silver has it's place as well...the classic look of silver jewelry or antiques, the light-patina of aging. There's a reason why these are referred to as precious metals...but there is one metal that is overlooked with amazing properties and beauty all it's own. We're talking about platinum, the rarest and heaviest of all precious metals, and a metal that you really should get to know better.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Diamonds: Let's Cut to the Chase

When people look at the value of a diamond, there are generally four qualities that are looked at to determine the value of the diamond, also known as the Four C's: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat.

We're going to look at one of the most dramatic of these characteristics, and one that can truly add or take away from the overall impression of the stone: the cut of the diamond.